Get your lists ready.

It’s been almost a decade since new top level domains started launching. Better late than never, Google is launching eight domains into Early Access on May 3.

Up for grabs are .dad, .foo, .mov, .nexus, .zip, .esq, .phd, and .prof.

101Domain is charging $14.99 for the first five and $29.99 for .esq, .phd, and .prof. This should be in line with what other registrars charge.

But you’ll have to pay a much higher price to get these domains during the Early Access stage. Prices will run through a Dutch auction, where prices drop each day.

Any domains not taken by May 9 will be available in General Availablity starting May 10.

Brands should take note of .mov and .zip, which are common file extensions that nefarious actors could use.

Post link: 8 new Google domains launch in Early Access tomorrow

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