Company hopes to siphon off domains headed to Squarespace. is offering to foot the bill for up to 1 million domain transfers.

In June, Google announced it was selling its domains business to Squarespace for $180 million. wants to capture part of those domains, in part because it doesn’t like the idea of a rival and proprietary web builder getting more market share.

So it’s offering to foot the bill for up to 1 million domains to transfer from Google Domains to’s registrar ahead of the transition. (Google Domains has about 10 million domains under management.)

Domain transfers include a year of renewal.

Depending on which extensions people transfer, this could mean $10 million or more in free transfers. also says its prices will be the same or lower than Google Domains. WordPress said it will only increase prices if the wholesale prices go up. Squarespace has agreed to match Google Domains’ prices for one year, but its prices are normally much higher.

On Twitter, WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg complained that his company wasn’t offered a chance to acquire Google Domains.

Post link: WordPress offers 1 million free transfers for domains at Google Domains

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