Now, the real battle begins.

Unstoppable Domains has dismissed with prejudice a lawsuit filed in July 2022 against Gateway Registry and a party affiliated with the company. The core issue in the case will be settled in lawsuits between Unstoppable Domains and Scott Florsck, the registrant of .wallet in Handshake.

Unstoppable Domains sued Gateway Registry last year when the registry started offering second level registrations under a .wallet web3 domain that uses the Handshake system. Unstoppable offers a rival .wallet domain on a different blockchain and system.

Gateway quickly shut down shop instead of facing the lawsuit. Nevertheless, Unstoppable pushed the court to issue a judgment, even opposing Scott Florsck’s attempt to intervene in the case. The judge recently allowed him to intervene.

With Florsck allowed to intervene and two other lawsuits pending between Unstoppable and Florsck, Unstoppable has decided to drop the case against Gateway Registry. It says that Gateway hasn’t offered .wallet domains for nearly a year, so the requests for relief against it are moot.

The court is likely to combine the two outstanding lawsuits between the parties.

Post link: Unstoppable Domains drops lawsuit against Gateway Registry

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