Company makes another attempt at U.S. trademarks.

Web3 naming company Unstoppable Domains has applied for seven U.S. trademarks in the past few months, many of which are related to its alt-root top level domains.

The company has attempted for years to get trademarks related to top level domains in the U.S., and that effort has been largely unsuccessful.

This time around, the company has applied for .go, .888, manga, and anime with goods and services related to domain name registrations. These four applications were filed on an intent-to-use basis.

It also applied for wallet, dao, and .unstoppable, also on an intent-to-use basis. But these include other types of service, and there’s a clear distinction between wallet and the other two.

Dao and .unstoppable have the following goods and services:

C 036. US 100 101 102. G & S: Bill payment services; Payment processing services

IC 038. US 100 101 104. G & S: Electronic messaging; Electronic messaging services; Electronic transmission of messages; Electronic, electric, and digital transmission of voice, data, images, signals, and messages; On-line services, namely, message sending; delivery of messages by electronic transmission; Providing on-line forums for transmission of messages among computer users; Providing internet chat rooms; Providing internet chatrooms; Providing on-line chat rooms for social networking; Providing virtual chat rooms established via text messaging; Computer telecommunications services in the nature of providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; Digital audio and video broadcasting services; Providing access to databases, rental of access time to global computer networks, transmission of digital files between devices

IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Providing non-downloadable software for universal login to decentralized applications, display of alternative root domains as usernames on social media, website building and designing, digital identity verification and user authentication, and know your client (KYC) services; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for universal login to decentralized applications, display of alternative root domains as usernames on social media, website building and designing, digital identity verification and user authentication, and know your client (KYC) services; Platform as a service (SAAS) services featuring platforms for universal login to decentralized applications, display of alternative root domains as usernames on social media, website building and designing, digital identity verification and user authentication, and know your client (KYC) services

IC 045. US 100 101. G & S: Alternative root domain registration services; alternative root domain registrar services

Wallet has the first two but omits anything related to domain names.

This is relevant because Unstoppable Domains is embroiled in a lawsuit over a rival .wallet top level domain in a different blockchain, with trademarks central to the issue.

Wallet has tried to register a U.S. trademark related to its .wallet domain twice before and hasn’t been successful yet.

Post link: Unstoppable Domains applies for US trademarks (again)

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