Orange Domains is trying to connect the DNS with Bitcoin Naming Service.

Domain name registrar Tucows (NASDAQ: TCX) has thrown its hat in the web3 ring as a partner in a new company called Orange Domains.

Orange Domains plans to expand the functionality of the Bitcoin Name System (BNS) through decentralized apps, as well as develop new top-level domain services to connect the traditional Domain Names System (DNS) with web3 digital identities.

Partners include web3 companies Trust Machines, which raised $150 million, and Hiro Systems.

Don Ruiz, who formerly worked for Automattic on .blog, is the General Manager of Orange Domains.

Ruiz told Domain Name Wire that Orange Domains plans to release a previously unlaunched DNS-based top level domain name later this year in which registrants will get added web3 functionality. He declined to reveal what the domain name is.

Having Tucows on board will give Orange Domains strong distribution; Tucows is the second largest domain name registrar by names under management and has an extensive network of resellers.

Many companies are getting involved in connecting DNS-based domains to web3 technologies.

Ethereum Name Service, a rival naming system to Bitcoin Name Service, allows anyone to connect a real domain name to its service and use it as a wallet address.

There are also individual TLDs that offer web3 connections, such as .box. Internet Naming Co. is introducing a web3 spin on .vana domains later this year.

Over the past few years, it has become clear that web3 identities (which their backers sometimes call domain names) aren’t viable for email and websites. The winning formula, at least for now, seems to be real domain names that can be used as identifiers by connecting to web3.

While web3 capabilities are currently somewhat limited (typically using the domain as a wallet address), backers hope additional functionality will be possible over time.

Post link: Tucows partners on web3 company Orange Domains

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