A steel company, a maintenance firm, and an “Airbnb for farmhouses” bought domain names.

Sedo had a slower-than-usual sales week thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday. But it managed to turn in some big-ticket sales, including hot7 .com for $150,000 and Qlar .com for €75,000. Neither of these domains has been developed or has a public Whois, so I’m unsure who bought them.

For this week’s list, I also went back a few weeks and looked for domains from that sales list to uncover more names that have since been developed/forwarded by the new owner.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that recently transacted at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

Edelweiss.com €26,100 – Alpine Partners AG acquired this domain, but I’m not sure what for.

Connective.net $8,250 – E-commerce development firm Mediagraphik bought this domain.

XEE.de €6,500 – XEE is an energy electronics company.

Chuphon.com $4,500 – The buyer set up a travel site for Chumphon in Thailand.

TSStudios.com $2,999 – TS Studios is a social-first media company.

PenSteel.com $2,750 – This domain forwards to PenSteelInc.com, the website for a steel materials and components company.

FixParts.de €2,500 – This domain forwards to the singular version, FixPart.de, which sells parts to fix devices such as appliances and TVs.

You.ar $2,500 – Whois shows the buyer is Tickets Worldwide LLP, a travel company. My guess is this means “You Augmented Reality.”

FacilityManagement.net $2,495 – This domain forwards to the website of Unihome, a maintenance firm.

SeguroDeMescota.com €2,888 – The buyer is setting up a pet insurance comparison site on this domain, which is Spanish for pet insurance.

FarmStays.com $2,250 – Farm Stays is like Airbnb for farmhouses.

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