Political group gets control of NoLabels.com.

The “real” No Labels (top) and NoLabels.com (bottom) before the .com website was removed.

No Labels, a U.S. political organization that shuns extremism and partisan bickering, will get control of the domain nolabels.com pending the outcome of a lawsuit.

No Labels filed a lawsuit against NoLabels.com, Inc. in December. The defendant is a newly incorporated company that uses the domain name nolabels.COM, which it appears to have purchased from another registrant last year. The political party uses nolabels.ORG and previously owned the .com domain before letting the registration lapse.

The defendant set up a website on .com that was easy to confuse with the plaintiff’s organization.

In December, the judge overseeing the case granted a temporary restraining order that took the site down. Now, the preliminary injunction requires the domain name to be transferred to the plaintiff pending the outcome of the case.

No Labels posted a bond of $250,000 when the temporary restraining order was issued.

Post link: No Labels gets preliminary injunction and transfer of domain NoLabels.com

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