I’m hosting two sessions today at NamesCon.

The annual NamesCon Global event kicks off in Austin this morning. Over 1,000 people have registered for the event, which is being held in conjunction with CloudFest USA.

I’m hosting two fireside chats today, and I hope you’ll attend if you’re in Austin.

At 11:40 am on the GoDaddy stage, I’m chatting with Kellie Peterson, CEO of Logo.com. Kellie has been in the industry for two decades and has touched many parts of the domain ecosystem: registry, registrar, monetization…you name it. She’s also a domain investor. We will talk about what’s changed and what’s remained the same in the domain business over the past 20 years, and how to think about things like new TLDs. Kellie will also reveal some of her .xyz sales that haven’t been disclosed before.

At 5:20 pm on the Above.con Keynote Hall, I’m hosting a fireside chat with Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia. I’ll ask some domain-related questions, and we’ll also talk about current topics including artificial intelligence, government regulations, misinformation, bias and much more.

Post link: NamesCon kicks off today. Here’s where to see me

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