Dynadot gets exclusive deal with .AI registry to auction expired domain names.
Dynadot is now auctioning expired .AI domain names in an exclusive partnership with the .AI registry.
.AI is the country code for Anguilla but has become popular as a short top level domain for artificial intelligence companies. Aftermarket sales for .ai domains have taken off this year due to the AI hype.
Dynadot did a trial run/soft launch last month and is officially launching expired .ai auctions as a service this month.
Auctions begin the last Friday of the month and last for ten days. Bidding starts at $140.
This month’s batch of names just went live this morning, and some good names have attracted bids: networking.ai, bound.ai, ca.ai, and a couple of others have bids already.
Post link: Dynadot auctioning expired .AI domain names
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