is known for country code expired domain auctions.
Dynadot has acquired expired domain name platform
Dynadot recently began running .ai expired domain name auctions in conjunction with the registry. Some people asked, “Didn’t have a deal with the .ai registry?”
The answer is yes, but Dynadot has acquired is known for running expired domain auctions for many country code extensions that have become popular over the years. While other expired domain services ignored domains like .io, road the coattails of their expanding popularity.
A Dynadot spokesperson told Domain Name Wire:
We acquired to expand our aftermarket offerings with a like minded, tech savvy company. Since the acquisition we added .AI auctions to our DAX (Dynadot Auction Exchange) platform and are working on some other new and exciting features. Our DAX platform is an auction network that Registrars/Registries can join and exchange auction inventory. As Dynadot grows, we want to continue to innovate and offer our customers the best user experience in the industry.
Post link: Dynadot acquires, expands reach of expired domain auctions
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