A small public company sold the domain in Q1.

An automotive ecommerce company sold the domain name onyx.com for $250,000 earlier this year.

Parts ID, a small publicly traded company, revealed the sale in a recent SEC filing. The company said it sold the domain in the first quarter of 2023.

The company seems to be struggling. Earlier this year, it hired Canaccord Genuity and DLA Piper to evaluate potential strategic alternatives. Parts ID is traded on the NYSE American exchange with the ticker ID. Its market cap is about $12 million.

It appears Parts ID acquired the domain from Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., part of Amgen, in 2018.

The buyer is unknown but it is clearly a domain investor. The buyer has listed the domain for sale on Dan.com with a $1.995 million asking price.

Post link: Domain investor paid $250,000 for Onyx.com this year

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