The company validates its domain name strategy for a second time.

A claims adjuster that fights insurance companies has won another type of victory against an insurance company: reverse domain name hijacking (RDNH). In fact, it’s the company’s second RDNH win.

Harris Claims Services in Illinois registered the domain name countrycompaniesinsuranceclaimsajusting .com to solicit business. The company helps Country Mutual Insurance Company customers when they are upset with their claim results.

The insurance company was unhappy and filed a UDRP. But panelist Dennis Foster agreed with Harris Claims Services that the case was filed in bad faith:

In this case, it has become clear to the Panel that Complainant is well aware of who Respondent is and the business that it conducts because the two have had an adversarial relationship for a decade and more. Complainant failed to disclose this fact in the Complaint, which constitutes an element of bad faith. Moreover, given this relationship, Complainant knew that Respondent conducts legitimate insurance claim adjustment services under the disputed domain name, and thus would prevail as to the second element required under the Policy.

Last year, the company won a similar case against USAA. That means two UDRP panels have validated its domain name strategy, at least when it comes to UDRP cybersquatting claims.

Post link: Claims adjuster gets second reverse domain name hijacking victory

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