This company has a cool invention and a great domain name.

Photo courtesy Wrap.

Have you heard about BolaWrap? It’s a policing tool that looks kind of like a Taser. But instead of zapping the subject, it wraps them up with rope, kind of like how Spiderman does with webs. You have to see it in action:

After hearing about BolaWrap on the radio, I couldn’t figure out if the name was spelled bolo or bola. So I Googled it and was surprised by what domain name the company uses:

Technically, the maker of BolaWrap is called merely Wrap. And it has a great domain name that lends credibility to the business.

According to DomainTools historical Whois records, Wrap acquired the domain in 2020. It was previously owned by a company in New York called SQAD, which had not been using the domain for a website.

Post link: A superhero tool and a great domain name

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