ENS plans to pay auction bidder $300,000 to settle dispute.

Short numeric .eth domains are hot right now.

The results are in, and the Ethereum Name Services (ENS) DAO has overwhelmingly authorized ENS Labs to settle a dispute over eth .link.

88% of the voting power approved paying $300,000 to Manifold Finance, which won eth .link at auction.

62% also authorized settling at an amount lower than that. (I believe the thinking was that the lower amount would be considered if the community didn’t approve the full $300,000).

84% approved reimbursing ENS Labs for its litigation expenses, which have totaled about $750,000.

Only 11% voted to continue litigation.

Now, ENS will need to paper a settlement with Manifold before dropping the case filed against GoDaddy and Dynadot. Manifold will be in a strong position to get the terms it wants, given that the DAO publicly opposed continuing litigation.

Post link: Ethereum Name Service community approves eth.link settlement

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