Three strikes, and OpenTLD is out.

ICANN has sent a notice of termination to OpenTLD, the domain name registrar associated with the Freenom group of companies.

Freenom is best known for giving away free domain registrations, most famously .tk, in a dwindling number of country code domain names as it faces legal challenges.

However, it also has common ownership with OpenTLD in order to offer ICANN-accredited TLDs.

After sending several breach notices in recent months, ICANN has pulled the plug on the registrar. Officially, it’s for failing to cure breaches within 21 days of notice and for breaching the registrar agreement three times within 12 months.

ICANN will follow its De-Accredited Registrar Transition Procedure to find a new registrar to take over the domains currently at Freenom. These include about 10,000 .com domains, among others.

Post link: ICANN terminates OpenTLD, famous for its connection to .TK domains

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