I had a couple of light months.

At the end of July, I published a solo podcast about my domain sales so far this year. I was gleeful, having sold 30 domains in the first seven months of the year.

But I said something on that podcast that I’ve said frequently before. When you have a small portfolio like I do (about 2,300 domains), there’s a lot of randomness and noise in domain sales. It’s hard to get any sort of consistency.

After selling seven domains in July, I sold just four domains in August. While that number isn’t terrible for my portfolio size, the four domains happened to be low-priced ones. The most expensive was only $2,000. Ouch.

Then September happened. Or perhaps I should say it didn’t! I sold only two domains, and both were low-priced ones.

This is despite having a record number of domains move from ‘qualifying’ to ‘negotiating’ on Afternic. This means someone responded to Afternic’s email/call with the asking price for the domain or an offer.

Yet the domains just. weren’t. closing.

The difference between making two sales and five sales in a month is just a few people deciding to postpone or go with another domain. That’s not many.

I was starting to get down on myself. Perhaps I should have taken that $15k offer on one of my domains that Afternic presented to me last month? It would have made for a good month.

As I sat at lunch Sunday thinking about my dismal September, I got one of those emails I love to get: “Congrats, YourDomain has sold via Fast Transfer!”

It was a three-word domain I picked up for $100 in a GoDaddy auction in 2018. I knew it was one I priced high and got excited as I opened the email to see how much it sold for: $9,995.

And then yesterday, another sale.

Suddenly, the world is good again.

Post link: My domain sales in August and September

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